Planned Features
Component for previewing Google Drive documents (Docs and Sheets)
Docusaurus is not great for simultaneous collaborative work. What tends to happen is you get a bunch of individual documents scattered across many people's Google Drives.
I want Docusaurus to be a one-stop-shop for all the information about a project. By loading Google Drive documents in iframes, you can achieve that.
Docs are protected just as they would be if viewed in Google Drive directly, and are viewable and editable within the iframe, along with any comments and annotations.
I intend to build a component that encapsulates this approach,
Visibility into my personal Jira
So interested parties (potential employers) can see what my Jira stories look like, etc.
More Content
I don't want to enumerate the planned content additions I have, because it'll have me back here every couple days updating this list over the next few weeks. Rest assured, I am working to make sure there is something here worth viewing soon. At a minimum, that includes improving that front page and updating the footer so the links are relevant to me.
Component Updates
Add Lazy-Loading to Expandable
Add exclusive
Feature to Expandable
Introduce the option to collapse all other Expandable
blocks in the
same group when a new one is expanded.
Aspirational Nice-To-Haves
Comments Section!
A major shortcoming of Docusaurus is its lack of an in-place feedback mechanism. For me, this is the essential thing Confluence has that Docusaurus lacks.
There are several add-on solutions available, and I intend to use this site to explore those options.
Some sort of API call
That's awfully vague isn't it? Truth is, I don't know what I want to add just yet, this is more about making this site a useful tech-demo than any demands of the site itself.
To be clear, were this an actual documentation site, I can think of lots of uses for incorporating external data into Docusaurus. Feature flags? Status of recent builds? Downstream dependencies live and responding?
I've implemented OAuth (with GitHub) in a GitHub pages experiment
before, and I'd like to do it again. The great bulk of this site is
intended to be public, but I'm not entirely thrilled with the preview
environments being publicly viewable, so I may put those behind some
kind of auth
Preview-Environment Indicator
Add some kind of visual indication when the user is viewing a preview environment built off a PR, rather than the main production branch. This will likely be in the form of some red text with a red border reading 'Preview | PR-##'