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This website implements Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions. The following flows are supported:

Deploy To Preview Environment

A separate repository (with it's own GitHub Pages space) is maintained as a pre-prod environment. On any PR creation, a full build is run against the source, including:

  • Unit test run & reports generation
  • Docusaurus build (including dynamic, global CSS file required for Storybook)
  • Storybook build (with dynamic styles in place)
  • Deploy to remote branch

At the end of the build, a status is posted back to the pull request notifying the user the preview environment is ready.

The developer can view the preview site at

When the PR is closed or merged, a separate job runs to delete the preview environment.

GitHub Actions Spec

Deploy to Production

The same process is carried out as the deploy-to-preview action, except that some stages which are allowed to fail in the preview build (like unit tests) will abort the build if they fail in production. And of course, the end result is that the website is deployed in its primary location at

GitHub Actions Spec

Repository Map

Not strictly a part of the website: a GitHub Actions job runs on creation or update of any branch (or tag). That job runs the command-line utility tree to create a map of the repository contents at the head of the created ref. This map allows my AI code assistant, Nova, to infer file locations from filenames. This low-effort, low-tech fix streamlines instructions to Nova, and avoids wasting rate-limited API calls on fetching data that is publicly available.

Repository trees are maintained in an orphan branch of the repository called metadata

GitHub actions spec for branch creation GitHub actions spec for branch clean-up