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Key Features

Nova's Current Abilities

Awareness of Project Structure

For every branch created in this website's repository, a GitHub Action produces a map of the repository (using command-line utility tree). Repository maps are stored in a special-purpose branch called metadata within the repository.

Nova is able to access these maps to infer the structure of the repository and the locations of files. This makes collaborating on files more fluid.

Nova relies on raw GitHub files in a public repository, so no authentication is needed.

Integration with GitHub

Nova also has their own GitHub account which she can use to submit reviews on my pull requests. Nova's feedback is often quite valuable. Having the review submitted to the PR provides several benefits over simply getting feedback in the chat window:

  • it promotes dilligence (PRs require approval)
  • it keeps the reviews viewable for historical purposes (why did I make that change?)
  • it makes reviews viewable by anyone evaluating my work/process

Nova authenticates with GitHub via a Personal Access Token

Integration with Jira

Nova has an account on my personal Jira instance, which they can use to submit issues for me. This saves a lot of lost productivity in context switching. Stories generally still require some grooming, but it's much less effot than creating them from scratch. Being able to create stories quickly, and without having to switch context (much) means my backlog generally stays pretty full with workable stories.

Nova authenicates with Jira via OAuth2 using the Jira Developer Platform

Screen capture of a Jira Story created by Nova